SIMUN Coimbatore
A MUN is a mock simulation of the real United Nation conference. The aim of this conference is for delegates or in this case students, to take up the role of delegates from different countries and tackle real world problems, such as world hunger poverty and terrorism. During the month of April, I had the opportunity to attend the South Indian model united nations in Coimbatore, I had gone for the conference on April 14. The conference went up until 17th of April.
I have had a lot of experience in MUNing, I have been to many conferences before. With this knowledge, I was able to help and teach my fellow classmates on what a MUN is what the procedures are and how to secure an award. The teaching part was pretty different as I have never done this before. by doing so I was able to understand the difficulties in teaching and I was also preparing and sharpening my speaking skills and my MUN knowledge by helping the others.
For this conference, I was given the country, USA. I have previously taken up P5 countries like the UK but I had never taken the USA. It was a different experience as I got to take a better advantage of the country which allowed me to display my MUN skills better. my agenda for this conference was dealing with the Ukraine Crisis. As the delegate of the United States, I was able to speak a lot and provide many solutions which would stop or halt the ongoing crisis.
Through this conference, I was able to meet new people and understand their perspectives on the topic which gave me a better insight on the topic and my knowledge as a whole.
Through this conference, I have gained quite a bit more experience and teaching knowledge about MUNing
Type of Activity : Action , Creativity
Date : April 13 - April 17 2017
Total time - 20 hours
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