Arts and crafts games with the differently abled kids

For today's CAS activity we had gone to our sister school to play with the kids over there. For this activity, we did a bit of art and craft such as painting and coloring. It was really fun but very messy at the same time.  The coloring and painting aspects were aimed at improving hand-eye coordination. My task was to make sure that the kids painted and drew within the lines of the pictures. The kid I was working with initially drew outside the line but with a  few prompts he was able to draw within the lines.  After a bit of painting and coloring, we went out to the playground to play. The kids played on the slides and trampolines. It was a very fun activity and I hope for more activities like this.

Art is a form of expression and it is subjective towards the nature and ideal of individual painting or creating something through the medium of art. This activity was very much different from the ones we have done before, for the sole purpose that the activity required me to think open-mindedly and communicate effectively with the child I was working with. This also prompted me to understand that in a field such as art, I must understand that I have to follow the kids understanding of art and not my own.

This activity was vastly different as it provoked me to follow the child and his wishes rather than trying to convince him to follow into my views.

Type of activity - service
Total time - 1hr
Date - 21-8-17


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